(a July 4, 2006 post from my now-defunct friendster blog, Innermost Thoughts)
Last night, I was searching for some quotes by Ralph Waldo Emerson, Mark Twain, & others that I had written in one of my journals. Little did I know that my searching would take me to a journey to the past.I was flipping through the pages of my diary, looking for the quotes. I was not able to find them. What I found instead is myself caught up in a different time. I stumbled across the baduy poems that I made during college days...the "basketball court" times in my latter years in college and even after I graduated...the texts (forwarded and personal) that I had jotted down which I would like myself to be reminded of in the future (which happened to be last night)...all the places that I'd been, who I was with, the little acts and feelings of the moment—from the mundane little details of everyday life to the wonderful, unforgettable moments. I was flipping through the pages, just skimming the notes. smiling time and again for the past troubles, downfalls and pains, and smiling even more for the PRICELESS moments. Flipping, skimming, smiling. Now stretch that out to 1 hour.It is indeed nice to be reminded of your past once in a while. But as what they say, all things come to an end. The journey lasted for an hour. I knew I had to end it when my face became quite itchy of the dust my old diaries possess (haha!) and when my head felt quite dizzy being deprived of an early rest. So I closed my diaries and sealed the journey with one sigh. And one smile.I was only looking for the quotes but I found fond memories instead. I was only looking for the quotes but the vague memories of the past became vivid all of a sudden. I was only looking for the quotes and the past came dancing alive in front of my very eyes. I was only looking for the quotes...... *deeeeep sigh. one smile*And lying on my bed, getting the sleep that I need, another hour was spent though for the aftermath...the "hang-over." I was half-asleep. Or maybe was half-awake. Half-unconscious. Or maybe half-conscious. Whichever. Thoughts came rushing in. The ramblings and all.
The past...they are but just words now written on a diary...one smile...the ramblings again...the past...they are but just plain memories now stored in the memory bin...one sigh...one smile...more ramblings...the past...now they were just a history...one deep sigh...one smile...the ramblings again. Tomorrow would be another day. A part of the future I have yet to live.
It was then I finally dozed off.