Wednesday, November 2, 2011

P-A-S-T Fever

(a September 19, 2005 post from my now-defunct friendster blog, Innermost Thoughts)

If I were to re-live the past, I'd start on the day some time in between of Nov and Dec in 1999. Things could've been better OR could've been worse. Well, I just think it would be worth taking the risk. But who am I to tell?

Of course I know I can't turn back the time and that I have to deal with reality here (that's what life requires me to)... & not with those good ole movies where they have time machines, genies in a bottle, fairy godmothers or an aero car that takes you back to the future. Not to mention Ina Magenta's and Faye's.

Yes, we all have to deal with reality no matter how badly we want a certain dream/fantasy or whatever you call it. Sadly. & now, the reality is the present. & all that I can and have to do is to live and deal with it. "Oh, jing, can you just please forget the regrets of the past?" the inner voice within me says and in addition to that, "Real life doesn't include those magic. In lieu of that, there are the hopes, the prayers, the faith that go along with reality." Okay then. Maybe I'll just try to see where those 3 will lead me.

  • There's a song that says, "Some good things never last." But I never heard a song that implies, if not says, "Some good things don't happen merely because they aren't just meant to happen." Another song to add to the long list of break-up songs. So, any composers out there?
  • They say everything happens for a reason. Can somebody tell me then the reason why such is such?
  • Sometimes there are just questions best left unasked. For NO ONE can provide you the answers though every inch of your soul tells you that there MUST be a reason.
  • I really believe that for every question, there IS an answer. There MUST be. We should just dig in deeper and a little deeper and a little deeper until you find the answers just as miners do to find gold mines.
  • Further digging and pondering and I've concluded that maybe some reasons are not revealed 'coz they are just too great and too incomprehensible for a human mind to absorb. Better answer: Maybe, just maybe, good things don't sometimes last because there are better things yet to happen that's in just waiting to be opened...or PERHAPS love just waiting to unfold...or could be just any thing else...(Bat ba naman kase walang emoticons dito sa blog eh???!!?!)

Nov. 2, 2011. Oh, boy! Those were some serious thoughts! Did I really write that? Haha! And it sounds like I was really talking to myself there when I wrote it. My golly! Doing nothing at work, 9 hrs a day, really makes you think of things you wouldn't be able to think of on a normal day. All I could ever and must do that time at the office was to look busy and so my mind wandered to wherever-part-of-the-world. Haha!