Saturday, March 10, 2018

An Allegory of the Sweetest Downfall

I was safe in the harbor, enjoying the peace and quiet, until the waves started calling me.  I listened intently, everyday, to the waves singing tunes that were sweet to the ears.  Songs I yearned to hear.  I listened, oblivious of the fact that I was falling in love with the sound of it.  So I drew nearer and nearer to the waves, bare feet kissing the foam and loving its feel.  So I kept walking towards it with the water turning ankle-deep, then knee-deep, waist...on and on I went.  It was when the waters had reached my neck and the waves had started to choke me that I came to my senses and remembered one thing—I don't know how to swim.  Fear encompassed me.  But I LOVE THE WATER so I tried to stay, despite the struggles and all.  Until that time I became tired staying afloat.  One can only take so much.  The waves nearly drowned me.  The struggles became harder and harder each day I had to go away.  To free myself.  The waves withdrew, too.  I took a step or two backwards, 'coz I had to, each day,  'til I was back in the safe harbor.

The love for the water is still there, yet no matter the love, I couldn't stay in the water forever.   

So I just look at the water and the waves from a distance.  I guess there are things that you can only love just from afar. 

October 27, 2017